Episode 122: Cures

Yeah. Let’s talk about curing disability. We’re going there.

Click here for a transcript for this episode.

This episode is brought to you by ADA Illustrated, written by Wyatt Tuell.

5 comments on “Episode 122: Cures
  1. Destinee says:

    Hi! I’d love to “listen” to this, but the transcript seems to not be available, and I need the captions. Thank you.

    1. Kyle Khachadurian says:

      Hi there, it’s linked in the post copy. There’s also an automatically generated one if you listen on an iPhone. Hope this helps!

      1. Destinee says:

        Hi Kyle, thanks for getting back to me.

        The AI transcript suddenly ends after a couple paragraphs, and I do not have Apple. Is there another option? 🙂

        1. Kyle Khachadurian says:

          Thanks for pointing that out, we will have a real human transcript done ASAP. We apologize, we did not realize it ended so abruptly 🙂

        2. Kyle Khachadurian says:

          Hi there! Took a couple days but yes: https://www.theaccessiblestall.com/episode-transcripts/episode-122-cures-2/ Here is a “real” transcript! Thank you for your patience.

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